As a group, we have decided that the best solution would be to provide a network where producers and artists can post their music and get feedback as they go through the composing and editing process. This would be done in a typical forum manner, being hosted on a website. Users would be able to create their own thread where they post a version of their song, where comments can be left with things such as timestamps. The poster would then be able to update the song and release a new version which gets pushed to the top of the thread. Ideally also through here artists and producers could find users they like the sound of and reach out to them personally.
Why (it matters)
The reason why Feedback matters to our team is because we view it as an opportunity to help improve collaboration between music creators such as ourselves, in the hopes of creating a more tight-nit and productive community.
What (it does)
Our product provides the music artist/producer community with a place where they can post their music in a thread for feedback. All music and threads will be in one localized place with attached accounts allowing for a platform for a community to develop.
Who (will use it)
Our target audience is up-and-coming music artists/musicians/producers that want feedback on their work in a constructive environment so they can update their music up until release.
How (it works)
Our product will be a website/online forum. Here, after making an account, users will be able to post their music in a thread where they can get feedback and then upload newer revised versions of their music. The idea would be to eventually add groups or threads to help organize things.